‘Thousands of jobs could be lost if lottery scam is not controlled’
MINISTER OF National Security Peter Bunting has said the economic value of the tourist resort of Montego Bay is under threat and thousands of jobs could be lost if the illegal lottery scam is not brought under control.
“We have taken the anti-lotto scam task force and brought it under MOCA (Major Organised Crime and Anti-Corruption Task Force), recognising that while the individual players in the lotto scam might not rise to the kingpin level, but collectively, it represents a clear and present danger to Jamaica,” said Bunting, during an address to the Montego Bay Chamber of Commerce and Industry last Thursday. “… it represents a huge risk to the economy of St James.”
According to the security minister, the people most likely to be affected are those employed to call centres and the tourism sectors.
“if we can’t make some real dents in what is going on now, certainly your whole call centre is going to be threatened and 10,000 or so jobs,” continued Bunting, “Certainly your tourism is going to be at risk as well, people are going to be fearful that they come here and if they run a credit card, information is skimmed off and they might become the victims of fraud.”
“Once you get that international reputation, you are going to find there is going to be a negative impact on the economy,” continued Bunting.
Read full Gleaner article here:http://jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20120926/lead/lead93.html